What's New at TACC?

TACC Support Groups

Now introducing support groups at TACC! Ranging in topics, we’d love to help support you through any tough time. We meet Monday through Friday, time flexible. To register for a support group, please call and leave us a message at 404-876-6266 extension #1. 

Aging Joyfully – A support group for all who want to change their perspective on aging

This support group will explore chronological, biological and psychological aging, and how to practice living a life style that puts joy, creativity and well-being at the center of the experience of getting older.

Online Mondays, $30 per session (partial scholarships available)

Yoga for Beginners – Chair Yoga and Beginner Yoga for all who want to befriend and stretch their bodies

This group will practice gentle movements and stretching for persons of all ages. Befriending our bodies means to mindfully move them, so that we relieve stress and experience the joy of increasing mobility. No previous yoga experience is required.

Online Tuesdays, $30 per session (partial scholarships available)

Meditation for Beginners – Mindful breathing and learning to be present in the “here and now”

This group will learn how to lower stress and become mindfully present through breathing and practicing guided mindfulness meditation. No previous meditation experience is required.

Online Wednesdays, $30 per session (partial scholarships available)

Infertility Support Group – Becoming parents in a different way

This support group offers the opportunity to mindfully share and listen to the different ways of becoming parents and support each other during the roller coaster experiences of wishing for a child.

Online Thursdays,  $30 per session (partial scholarships available)

Self-care for Professional Caregivers – Support group for anyone who holds a care giving role

This support group explores and practices ways of ongoing self-care and stress/secondary trauma recovery for professionals who are exhausted and compassion fatigued.

Online Fridays, $30 per session (partial scholarships available)

Body, Mind, Spirit, Health: TACC’s New Online Program

Check out this video to learn more about the program!

Introducing TACC’s new fully online wellness program, Body Mind Spirit Health


Created by Dorothea Lotze-Kola, this trauma-informed and spiritually integrated program will offer live events and pre-recorded videos on Yoga, Meditation, Plant-based lifestyle, Trauma recovery, Narcissistic abuse recovery, and more. All ages are welcome, with dedicated content for maintaining wellness at every stage of life. Join us to heal and strengthen your body, mind, spirit, and soul with expert guidance and support!

Fill out this form to receive updates about this new program via email!